Monday, July 27, 2009

The Last Word

It's been about 48 hours since we returned from our trip to Echoing Hills. I thought I would wrap things up with a bulleted list of thoughts from/about the trip that I'd like to share. Enjoy, as this will be the "Last Word" from the trip on this blog, but hopefully just the beginning of changed hearts and lives for the cause of Jesus Christ!

- The Students - I can't say enough good things about them. When we first arrived, I honestly wasn't sure what was going to happen or how the students would react. But after the initial shock of "Wow, this is real", they really turned it on. Their work ethic was SUPERB and garnered high praise from all the camp staff. Their attitudes were impressive as well. With many opportunities to lose their cool or just say, "I don't want to do that", each student rose to the challenge of what was presented to them. They were a GREAT group and impacted MANY lives on the trip, and it's my prayer that in some way, God impacted their lives as well.

- The Leaders - The other leaders on the trip really made it a success. Amber (my wife) and Ashley Kinnebrew took time out of their summer when they could have been doing, well, anything, and decided to invest in the lives of our students. Whether it was getting up early as part of the breakfast crew, or covering for me during an exciting trip to the emergency room (more on that later), they stepped up and led in a MAJOR way. And the best part about it was, their genuine enjoyment in what they were doing. Seeing on their faces the love for not just the campers at camp, but for our 7th and 8th graders as well and desiring for them to deepen their walk with Jesus and guiding them in that.

- The Camp Staff - They have a tremendous heart for people. Period. Being around the "office" staff as well as the cabin counselors and leaders really modeled for us what it meant to see people with the eyes of Jesus. There were many times where any one of them could have (justifiably) lost their cool but chose to remain under control. And in talking with as many as I could, you could hear it in their voices and their words that they truly cared about each camper that was there.

- The Emergency Room - On Wednesday night, our very own Connor Craig was taking out the trash when what we believe to be a piece of glass gave him a nice cut on his leg. I was in the dining hall at the time, so he comes up to me, very calmly and politely, holds up his leg to me and says, "I think I cut my leg when I took out the trash." The camp nurse, Dan (who was a field medic in Vietnam) looked at it, cleaned it up, but said we should head to the ER just in case. So Lauren, the camp's Program Director, hopped in one of their vans with Connor and I and we headed to the hospital. A couple hours and 6 stitches later, we were in the Taco Bell drive-thru on our way back to camp. Thanks Lauren for taking us. Thanks Dan for getting him taken care of at camp. Thanks team for being flexible while we were gone. But most of all, thanks Connor for giving us an excuse to go to Taco Bell! (Just kidding about the Taco Bell part; you're the man!)

- Re-Entry - Now that we're back, I would imagine life has gone somewhat "back to normal" for all of us on the trip. I'm back in the office, Amber is teaching a summer enrichment course here at the Christian School, and it sounded like sports camps and practices have started for a number of the students. But this trip is not over. As I was reading Pastor Nick's final words on the San Fran Blog, we both (him and I) hope and pray that these trips are just a springboard into a newfound worldview and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. And here are a couple of the ways that you can help your student (or just a student in general) adjust back to life at home without things going "back to normal."

1. The last night, I asked them to answer a couple of questions in their devo guide and then the next day got some of their responses on video. Feel free to ask them these questions, specifically, and it might get you a clearer response than asking simply, "How was the trip?"
a. How are you different now, than before you came on this trip?
b. What is one thing that God challenged you with this week?
c. How are you going to take what you learned and what you saw and take it home with you to impact your daily life?

Ask them to go and get their devo guides if they're not sure (that's why they were supposed to write it down.) Follow up with them in a couple of days; in a couple of weeks. Maybe you can help them process what they experienced or think of some suggestions as a family.

2. Pray for them. Pray with them. Thank them for going and minister to the least of these and allowing themselves to be used by God in a mighty way. Pray for their first opportunity to show love to someone who might never see it. Pray for them in November when school is wearing them down and they might have taken a "break" from loving others. Pray for them in April when the next mission trip applications go out that they would once again choose to go and love those who God loves.

Thanks to all of you who followed us and prayed for us on our journey. We felt them and we know that the trip was a success because people like you prayed and God showed up in a HUGE way.

Thanks Micah, Connor, Mariah C., Grace, Nathan, Erin, Casey, Savannah, Kyle, Aaron, Brant, Nessa, Trevor, Mariah T., Allison, and Joel. You guys were Uh-mazing.

Thanks Amber and Ashley. Without you guys, this trip would not have been possible.

Thanks Jackie, Donnis, Lauren, Dan, and Jen for your hospitality while we were hanging with you at camp. God is using you all in MIGHTY ways and it was a privilege to share in that for a week.

Thanks parents for letting your students go. I know it was tough. I pray that their hearts are changed and more in tune with Jesus because of them going on the trip. Not because of anything I did, but because of Jesus working in their lives.

Thanks church for sending us and "giving back" so that we can do the same. We are TRULY blessed to have a church that believes that middle school students can make a difference in the lives of people.

Thanks everyone.

Josh, and the Echoing Hills team

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